Navigating Daily Life: Practical Tips for Managing Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety; whether that's the first day of school, a job interview, moving, or an important date. Some anxiety is a part of being human. It is possible, however, that anxiety can become so extreme that it impacts daily functioning.

These overwhelming feelings of fear, terror, and panic may develop into an unhealthy lifestyle. If you are someone who struggles with anxiety every day, here are some common tips for managing these symptoms.

Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques

Feelings of anxiety increase with stress. Life itself is full of stressors, and it is important to learn to deal with stress in an effective way in order to better manage anxiety symptoms.

  • Deep breathing. One of the best things you can do when feeling overwhelmed is to stop, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Close your eyes to ground yourself. Take as many breaths as you need.

  • Meditation. There are many great guided meditation resources online. Take 15–20 minutes of your day to clear your mind and be present. This may also be beneficial before bed to help with sleep.

  • Progressive muscle relaxing. This technique helps to relieve tension in the body. It can be done sitting or lying down. Start with your feet, and clench and release the muscles. Work your way up your body, taking time to flex and relax each area.

Prioritize Sleep

It can be difficult to get a good night's sleep when feeling anxious. This is where the relaxation techniques will be beneficial. Developing a bedtime routine may help as well. Turn off electronics and read, take a bath or shower, or drink some herbal tea.

Start your routine about an hour before you actually want to be asleep. If possible, try to get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night.

Identify Triggers

While anxiety seemingly comes out of no where, we usually have triggers that cause us to feel anxious. When you start to feel the unpleasant emotion, try to focus on what is happening around you.

A great way to start to understand your triggers would be writing in a journal. Analyzing events of your day and identifying the emotions felt will help you discover patterns of daily living. Within these patterns, you may begin to realize specific situations, people, or events, that spike anxiety.

Maintain Physical Health

As stereotypical as it sounds, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise really does help with mental health. Developing an intense 5-day workout schedule is not for everyone, but it's important to get some sort of physical activity once a day. It can be as simple as going outside to walk for 15 minutes, stretching in your living room, or practicing yoga.

The same can be said with eating healthier meals. Having anxiety does not mean you have to go on a diet, but rather watch specifically what you eat. Eating take-out comfort food every night might feel good in the moment, but can often make you feel worse in the long run. That doesn't mean you can never eat out, though. In stead, alternate ordering out and cooking for yourself, that way you can maintain a balance between comfort foods and nourishing meals at home.

Symptoms of anxiety may be loss of appetite, so you may not feel like eating at all. While it can be challenging, try to eat consistently, even if it's just a light snack. Lack of substance leads to lack of energy, which can increase feelings of anxiety.

Seek Professional Help

Anxiety disorders can be exhausting and debilitating. It may be helpful for you to reach out to a mental health professional, especially if tips and tricks for managing anxiety do not seem to be working alone. It is possible to live with anxiety; you do not have to give up the joys of daily life! Reach out and schedule your first session today for anxiety therapy.


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